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Wood Work

Our Clients

Every client has unique characteristics that define them. During the preparation process, we "carve" our projects until they fit perfectly with the needs of our clients. While most of our clients come from the nonprofit sector, we also work with companies. We perform various types of work by combining different types of knowledge, always ensuring that both the client and ourselves can be proud of the result.


Open Society Foundations

Online survey and field research on the risk assessment and management practices of human rights defenders in the European Union. 

Amnesty International

Resolution of conflict situations through verbal means - training. Security audit and risk management consulting for the Hungarian chapter.

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Hungarian Reformed Church Aid

Kontroll tréning: döntéshozatal stressz helyzetekben, taktikai tanácsadás az utazó orvoscsoport számára. 

UBM Csoport

Employee, engagement, employer branding: vállalati történet fejlesztő program Nyáry Krisztiánnal. 

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Storytelling based employee engagement and employer branding program. 


Security audit and risk management advisory service for an LGBTQI NGO. 

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